Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Beasting Glitter

A musing of Phonics and Trees

Standing at the bus stop with my shopping in my hands
and I'm over hearing elder ladies, as the roumers start to fly
hear them in a school yard
in a scrap yard
in a chip shop
in a phone box
in a pool hall
at the shoe stall
every corner turn around

Started with a school girl, who was running, running home to her mum and dad,
Told them she was playing in a changing room of a local football ground,
Said saw a man with a beard and a look in his eye
said his name was gandalf, said see my staff
magic powers it can give, just ram it up there, like this in there like that,
said asked her to dance like that around his 'staff'

they said tell us again, she told them again, they said tell us the truth...

She said.....his name was Simoné!

They said I thought so the dirty little fucker!

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Thank you for being old...now DIE!

Thank you for being a Kestrel
Flew south down the road and back again with a beak full of fish
Your neck is true your a pal and confidant.

And if you threw a party
Invited everyone you ever knew
There would be 3 people there
You would see the biggest gift would be from me
A giant gannetable cake
And the card attached would say thank you for being a Kestrel.

Tourette Busters

T-Shirts That Clarify

Game Show Moose

Screamapillar's Really Love Chewing Gum

Fridge Magnet Poetry 1

Chocolate arm
Always there
Repulsive boy

Tuesday, 18 November 2008